Professional CV of Dominique Hort DC, CCN, Naturopath
EDUCATION, Institution and Location Degree Date
Los Angeles, College of Doctor of Chiropractic, December 1989, Chiropractic – USA
Swiss Institute of Chiropractic – Switzerland, Doctor of Chiropractic, November 1992
International and American Association, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, June 1998of Clinical Nutritionists – Texas – USA
Association for Network Care – USA, Certified part 1+2+3, June 1999
Mastery University – Robbins Research Int., Graduate, November 2001
Dynamis School of Naturopathy - Switzerland, Naturopath, June 2002
Six Advisors Coaches Academy, Coach, 2009
Over 150 W/E seminars to specialize in different chiropractic techniques (TBM, AK, Certificates NOT, NET, BEST, DNFT, NSA, SRI), Certifications, Diplomas, 1987 - present
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE, Organizations, Administration, and Teaching
1993 - present
Private Chiropractic Practice with associates, welcoming over 16’000 new patients in 16 years, being personally wait listed up to 3 years, taking care of for many years world class athletes and specialized in children with LD and ADD
Meets Donald Epstein, DC, becoming a student of Network Spinal Analysis
1998 – present
Integrates Network Spinal Analysis in his private chiropractic practice, with 2 to 4 associates in Chiropractic Practice and 2 associate in Network Practice and 4 Wellness Educators for Somato-Respiratory Integration
Sept. 2004
Full transitioning Chiropractic Practice from being partially still fixing based to a wellness model as taught by Dr. Epstein. His office now welcomes several hundred practice members following the path to wellness.
1992 - present
Member of Swiss Chiropractic Association and post graduated teacher on the subject of nutrition for chiropractic assistants
1992 – present
Member of the European Chiropractic Union
1993 – present
Lecturer on the subject of Nutrition and Detoxification to thousands of lay people through seminars and audio-visual material (detail upon request)
1993- 2006
Member of the medical staff of the top professional hockey team in Switzerland, Hockey Club Lugano
1993 – 2002
Personal Chiropractor for several of the world’s best bikers and Swiss swimmers (Gianni Bugno, Mauro Gianetti, Luc Le Blanc, Giovanni Lombardi, Andrea Peron, Flavia Rigamonti, etc.)
1988 – present
Member of the International College of Applied Kinesiology - USA
1996 – present
Member of the Swiss Association of Sport Medicine
1996 – present
Member of the Association for Network Care
1998 – present
Member of the staff of Dr. Donald Epstein
1998 – present
Member of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists
1998 – present
Lecturer on the subject of wellness and personal growth to thousands of lay people (detail upon request)
1998 – 1999
Member of the medical staff of the professional world leading soccer team: A.C: Milan
2000 - 2005
International board of governors, member of the World Chiropractic Alliance
2000 – present
Member of the Swiss Chiropractic Sport Council
2001 – present
Member of the Swiss Pediatric Chiropractic Association
2000 – present
Teacher of Network Spinal Analysis basic seminars and hands on workshops
2000 – 2008
Lecturer on the subject of Nutrition, Pain and Inflammation and Nutrition, Network Spinal Analysis, Pain and quality of life, and Neural Reorganization technique to the Annual scientific continuing education course and symposium of the European Chiropractic Union, the Swiss Chiropractic Association (details upon request), the French European Institute of Chiropractic (IFEC- Paris), The Anglo European Chiropractic College (AECC- UK), The Welsh Institute of Chiropractic (WIOC at the Glamorgan University-Whales), The Life West College of Chiropractic (SF-USA)
2002 – 2008
Member of the board of the Swiss Association “Gente Sana”, a consumer association concerned about the health of people
2003 – present
Member of the board of the Association for Network Care
Originator of Unique Methods
2004 – Present
Metodo Hort (the Hort Method™ see www.carpediemvitae.com) combining Network Spinal Analysis with a support system which includes: nutrition, detoxification, applied kinesiology, functional medicine, diet, functional neurology, structural evaluation (feet, TMJ, …), activity harmonization, geobiology, personal coaching and more.
2007 – Present
With Pierre Bernier, DC, developer and Co-owner of X-CELS Sagl., a worldwide coaching company and system (leadership, management, communication and marketing) for Doctors of Chiropractic specifically tailored for NSA&SRI practitioners
Listed in the who’s who of professionals in the year 2001-2002
Personally and professionally interested in charity and contribution: served in “the mission of light 2000” in the communities of Mother Theresa in Calcutta, in a rehabilitation program for children affected by severe post traumatic stress syndrome; personally attending Anthony Robbins during his world wide seminars; and yearly helps raising funds for the communities “Mondo X” of Padre Eligio (Italy).
Over 60 articles published in various journals: Swiss chiropractic News, Italina Chiropractic newsletters, “Spendere Meglio” a consumer newsletter, “Dynamis” a naturopathic publication, “Gente sana” a health magazine, Ticino Management, Ticino Welcome, “Naturalis” a health magazine, and more (detail upon request)
Regular appearances in TV and radio shows regarding health
2007 Co-author with Tiberio Faraci of the Book “Come Te non c’é Nessuno”
Macro Edizioni, ISBN 88-86493-89-4 on the subject of relationships (personal and professional)